Six Often Forgotten Essentials for a Successful Summer Camping Trip

Published on: July 12, 2024

 Six Often Forgotten Essentials for a Successful Summer Camping Trip

If you’ve spent any amount of time driving along the highway, you may recall seeing some creative nature-themed public service billboards on the roadside. These rallying relics encourage parents to urge children off their electronics and into the outdoors. While the images of animated characters and wide-eyed kids may seem a bit silly, have you ever considered their merit? Taking a vacation offers an escape from the pressures of modern life, and there’s plenty of research to show that simply being in nature reduces stress indicators such as cortisol. 12 Regardless of the health benefits, camping is just plain fun!

But wait! Before you head out with your loved ones, it’s important to be prepared. Here’s a short list of essentials to pack for maximizing your summer fun (and comfort) and staying safe:


Your home-away-from-home in the great outdoors, a quality camping tent is a must. A three-season tent is always a safe choice. Capacity will depend on your personal preference- and the number of people you’re bringing along. Before you leave the house, make sure your tent has strong, reliable stakes. Should the weather get wild, it’s nice to know you’ll be safe and snug inside. It’s also a good idea to plan for extra room to store bags or a cooler.

Portable Power

Stay energized with a portable EcoFlow battery –powered generator to electrify everything from cooking equipment to lamps. For some of your smaller charging needs consider our SimplyConserve Solar Charging Power Bank. It’s ideal for fueling up phones and other small electronic devices.

Air Mattress

For a good night’s slumber, consider bringing an air mattress or sleeping pad. Sleeping off the ground will keep you more comfortable in any weather, not to mention that a softer surface will increase your chances for a sounder sleep!


Reliable lighting is essential when you’re looking for things in your tent after dark or taking a midnight walk to the bathrooms. Whatever situation you need to navigate, consider doing it with a hands-free headlamp which conveniently features narrow and broad shine settings. And did you know that certain LED bulbs have integrated batteries allowing them to do double duty as a flashlight on camping trips? A bulb like our 5W Battery Backup LED not only fits in standard lamps, but can be removed from its fixture to help you find your way in the dark.


Don’t forget to bring hygiene essentials! Make sure everyone in your group remembers must-haves such as prescription medications, a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb or brush, and a travel-size shampoo bottle. More importantly, bring toilet paper! Even if the campsite advertises full amenities, you’ll never regret having your own and maybe some hand sanitizer to boot!

First-Aid Kit

You’ll only need one first-aid kit for your entire group. While serious injuries are unlikely, slivers and minor scrapes are common! Pack basics like:

  • Bandages
  • Gauze, Tweezers
  • OTC medications such as ibuprofen and antihistamines.

Considering all the amazing benefits to your health and life in general, time camping is time well spent. Whether you’re taking the family for a weekend in nature or looking for a solo adventure away from town, this guide should help you elevate your outdoor.

Happy Adventuring!

1 Solan, M. (2022, June 1). Ready, set, hike! . Harvard Health. and-fitness/ready-set-hike

2 Li, Q. (2009). Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine , 15(1), 9–17.