Furnace, Air Sealing, Insulation, Tanks—Simple, Cost-Effective Weatherization Solutions for Residential Homes

Published on: July 26, 2024

 Furnace, Air Sealing, Insulation, Tanks—Simple, Cost-Effective Weatherization Solutions for Residential Homes

Have you noticed it? The slight change in temperature — the late summer storms picking up? Fall is approaching, however subtly, and with it comes cooler weather. From dry Southwestern days, accompanied by chilly nights to the brisk nip of a Northeastern Autumn, regardless of the region you and your customers call home, weatherizing a property is an energy-saving solution that not only reduces monthly utility costs, but it even increases resident comfort!

Even with quality, newly constructed homes, there are still some ways temperature changes may lead to families using more energy. The good news is, there are simple fixes that anyone can do to assure maximum savings, energy and utility-wise, year-round! A well-sealed, well-insulated home not only improves air quality, controls moisture, and minimizes outside noises, it also repels unwanted pests. Plus, a home that’s weatherized enjoys greater energy efficiency and saves money. Therefore, arm your customers with the tools they need to fix these issues now and they’ll thank you for years to come!

When considering which simple weatherproofing house projects are most cost effective, property enhancing, and the easiest to complete, we came up with a simple acronym to remember four of the most important home weatherization upgrades for seasonal changes, “FAIT”: Furnace, Air Sealing, Insulation and (Hot Water) Tanks. These DIY solutions require neither prior experience nor tons of money to successfully complete:

Monitor and Maintain Your Furnace

In the spirit of delivering comfort across every season, remind your residential customers to replace their furnace and air conditioner filters! While you’re at it, consider using a furnace filter whistle. This safety feature alerts users when the filters become too full, helping homeowners to remember to change the filter regularly to improve air quality. In fact, ENERGY STAR(R) recommends changing your furnace filter every three months—possibly even more in the colder months when you’ll be using the heat more often.1 Things such as dust and pet dander are more likely to clog the filter when it is heavily used.

Window & Door Seals Prevent Energy Leaks

Windows and doors are a common culprit when it comes to energy waste. Keep warm air from escaping by sealing these sources of leaked heat. The simple application of caulks and weatherstripping can make a world of difference! Just adding door sweeps to entrances prevents hot air from escaping through gaps between doors and frames. Simply Conserve’s air-tight window and door seals to keep cold air from seeping in and eliminate condensation. If your customers are on a time crunch and looking for a quick fix, an easy-to-apply-solution is shrink film, which can help seal out cold air in a pinch and prevent heat loss.

Propel Residents’ Energy Savings: Insulate!

Increase your residents’ comfort any time of year – and keep inside air in and outside air out- by insulating. This not only increases a property’s energy efficiency, but it can also filter out pollutants that slip in.2

There's no quicker or easier fix than grabbing a can of spray foam (it's kinda fun too). Start by using spray-foam insulation in targeted areas, like windows and doors. Additionally, our Simply Conserve weatherization kits also offer quick, inexpensive insulation solutions for homeowners, such as rope caulks (no gun, no mess), insulation tapes (sick it and forget it), foam pipe insulators (slide right on), and more!

Electrical outlet insulation is quick and easy fix too. You’d be surprised how many outlets are letting air leak through, causing drafts and energy loss. A set of outlet insulation pads can be used on all the various outlets in homes and on light switches too.

Tanks Like Being Cozy, Too!

Did you know that just insulating water heater tanks can reduce heat losses by up to 45%?3 Insulated water tanks offer long-term utility and energy savings by reducing the amount of time it takes water to heat. Insulation also has numerous health and safety benefits, as the warmer temperatures prevent unwanted bacteria growth. By simply applying a tank insulating wrap, also known as a water heater blanket, families can save up to 16% in utilities costs. Additionally, our Water-Heater Wrap Strap Kit securely keeps the insulating wraps in place and can be used instead of tape, making the installation process a snap.

Happy DIY-ing! We hope this list gives you some ideas for keeping your customers more comfortable in any season. Need advice or more information? Click here for resources and other energy-saving ideas year-round.

1-2 Heat & Cool efficiently. ENERGY STAR. (n.d.). https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/heating-cooling

3Do-it-yourself savings project: Insulate Water Heater Tank | Department of Energy. (n.d.-a). https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/do-it-yourself...