A Multipurpose Tool for Growing Your Business—Benefits Of Snugg Pro Beyond Energy Audits

Published on: August 1, 2024

 A Multipurpose Tool for Growing Your Business—Benefits Of Snugg Pro Beyond Energy Audits

You’ve read how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will provide a whopping $8.8 billion for residential energy-saving retrofits over the next decade. And you’ve honed in on how the IRA’s HER (formerly HOMES) and HEAR rebate programs can benefit your business. 

You’re also well aware that as a contractor, you’re often the point person for homeowners who want to take advantage of these programs. And you know it all starts with an energy audit—which is a big reason why you need modeled energy-efficiency auditing software like Snugg Pro, which complies with the BPI-2400 standard and is the only platform approved by the Department of Energy (DOE) that’s required for all IRA-approved audits.

But Snugg Pro can do much more than generate reliable and accurate home energy audits. This multipurpose software can also help you expand and improve your contracting business in the following key ways.

1. Increase your close rates through more effective proposals

  • Snugg Pro can increase your close rates by providing clients with compelling, easy-to-understand sales proposals. You can add photos and other graphics for visual interest and use simple inputs or specify precise base and improved values.
  • Snugg Pro’s detailed cost templates show clients the savings-to-investment-ratio for each aspect of a job or the entire job. You can also include your go-to financing products and apply them dynamically in each proposal.
  • Snugg Pro’s BPI-2400 standard model and DOE-approved auditing means your customers can benefit from the HER rebates when the work is done. That means no waiting for 9-12 months for measured results, or reduced rebate amounts should an aggregator charge a fee, which can be as high as 25%-50% of the rebate amount, for advancing rebate money for measured installs.
  • Since Snugg Pro calibrates modeled savings to the homes prior utility bills, it can help give homeowners the peace of mind that they will be able to lower utility bills even when fuel switching from gas to electric furnace systems. This knowledge and assurance can be the key factor in helping homeowners make the final decision to electrify.

2. Improve average job size through deeper home retrofits

  • Snugg Pro provides live access to core weatherization and efficiency products, allowing you to discuss options with clients while you’re generating a proposal.
  • Snugg Pro’s HVAC modeling for heat pumps, furnaces, boilers and more shows the client how you can upgrade multiple systems and equipment, and how much each upgrade can improve their building’s energy efficiency.
  • Snugg Pro’s comfort, health and safety features help you educate clients about key building improvements that go beyond energy efficiency and financial motivations, adding another reason to work with you on system upgrades.

3. Simplify jobs with integrated program management

  • Snugg Pro works with more than 50 home-performance programs across the U.S. to streamline the process for contractors and auditors. The software is designed to be used in the field on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, running Windows, Android, IOS, or Linux operating systems.
  • Snugg Pro’s real-time and multi-user collaboration function allows you to view all colleagues’ jobs in one place at one time. The live tracking function shows stage changes and other important milestones in a job’s progress. You can also instant message within jobs and exchange files with program admins.
  • Snugg Pro’s live chat support and contextual videos, help articles, and tips are designed to answer your questions around the clock.

As a contractor, you rely on the right tools to ensure your business operates effectively and efficiently. Adding Snugg Pro to your tool chest can not only help you capitalize on IRA opportunities, but also boost your overall business for years to come.