Make Every Drop Count: A To-Do List for Navigating a Drought

Published on: April 15, 2024

 Make Every Drop Count: A To-Do List for Navigating a Drought

The summer of 2023 brought large swaths of the country the worst droughts that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ever recorded. As another drought season approaches, some wonder if we’re in store for much of the same. But no matter what happens, you’ll be prepared. We put together a “To-Do” list you can share with your customers that they can complete in advance that’ll make every drop of water count.

To Do #1: Install high-efficiency faucet aerators and showerheads.

High-efficiency faucet aerators and water-saving showerheads are always a good idea, even without a drought, because they save water and help reduce utility bills. For example, installing a WaterSense® labeled showerhead can save a household up to 2,700 gallons of water per year.

To Do #2: Save old milk and juice containers.

Clean them out, fill them with water from the tap, then put them in the fridge. This way you always have cold drinking water without waiting for the faucet to deliver a cool stream. You could also spend a few more bucks and get a water pitcher fitted with a filter.

To Do #3: Put a bucket in your shower.

Speaking of waiting, nearly 4 gallons of water goes down the drain while many of us complete our get-ready routines. You could put a bucket in the shower to collect unused water and use it for other things, like watering plants. Or, an easier solution would be to get a showerhead with a thermostatic valve built in. It pauses the water flow once the water heats up; just pull a cord to restart it.

To Do #4: Repair leaks and insulate pipes.

Did you know that just one leaky kitchen faucet wastes up to 180 gallons of water per week? Get out the ol’ screwdriver to stop those drops, or better yet, take the opportunity to upgrade the style and efficiency of your fixture.. And don’t forget to insulate water pipes, too. Keeping them toasty reduces heat loss and speeds hot water delivery, meaning you can use less water.

To Do #5: Do NOT mow the lawn.

Longer grass encourages roots to grow deeper and provides more shade for the soil, both of which increase water retention. When you do mow, raise the lawn mower blade to its highest level, or no lower than 3 inches.

To Do #6: Do get a good moisture meter.

A lot of us unintentionally overwater our lawns, gardens, and indoor plants. A moisture meter ensures our botanical friends get the water they need without us overdoing it. Make sure the meter’s face plate is clear and the markings are easy to read. It also doesn’t hurt if it comes in cute styles, like this one shaped like a ladybug.

AM Conservation has a range of products and solutions that can be tailored to fit your service area’s needs. Check out more on our website or give us a call to chat about the options.